[February 12, 2018] Rebecca Grusby joins the group as an undergraduate student. Welcome to the group, Rebecca!
[February 12, 2018] Rebecca Grusby joins the group as an undergraduate student. Welcome to the group, Rebecca!
[February 12, 2018] Rebecca Grusby joins the group as an undergraduate student. Welcome to the group, Rebecca!
[February 8, 2018] Sung Hoon is invited to give a seminar at the manufacturing seminar series of the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Thank you very much for kind invitation, Prof. Sameh Tawfick!
[February 7, 2018] Sung Hoon is invited to give a talk at 2018 IEEE International Conference on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering. Thank you very much for kind invitation, Prof. Deok-Ho Kim!
[January 2, 2018] Our invited paper is accepted for the focus issue on Architected Materials at Journal of Materials Research. Congratulations, Lichen, Jing, Zeyu, and Santiago!
[January 1, 2018] Sung Hoon is invited to give a talk at the 5th Young Scientist Workshop organized by Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering of Seoul National University. Thank you for kind invitation, Prof. Jeong-Yun Sun.
[January 1, 2018] Happy New Year to all!
[January 1, 2018] Happy New Year to all! Read More »
[December 13, 2017] Sung Hoon is invited to give a seminar in the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at North Carolina State University. Thank you for kind invitation, Prof. Michael Dickey!
[December 12, 2017] Sung Hoon is invited to give a seminar in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science at Duke University. Thank you for kind invitation, Profs. Ken Gail and Leila Bridgeman!
[December 9, 2017] Sung Hoon is invited to give a talk at the 2018 International Union of Materials Research Society. Thank you for kind invitation, Dr. Myung Woon Moon!
[November 24, 2017] Sung Hoon gave an invited talk in the School of Chemical Engineering at Sungkyunkwan University. Thank you for invitation, Prof. Changhyun Pang!