[August 15, 2017] Shichen Xu joins the group as a master student. Welcome to the group, Shichen!
[August 15, 2017] Shichen Xu joins the group as a master student. Welcome to the group, Shichen!
[August 15, 2017] Shichen Xu joins the group as a master student. Welcome to the group, Shichen!
[August 15, 2017] Decheng Hou joins the group as a master student. Welcome to the group, Decheng!
[August 14, 2017] Zeyu Zhu returns to the group as a master student. Welcome back, Zeyu!
[August 14, 2017] Zeyu Zhu returns to the group as a master student. Welcome back, Zeyu! Read More »
[August 2, 2017] Junjie Pan returns to the group as a master student. Welcome back, Junjie!
[August 11, 2017] Zhezhi Chen joins the group as a PhD student. Welcome to the group, Zhezhi!
[August 7, 2017] Our group member, Lilia gave a final presentation for 2017 Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program (REAP). For more information about the event, please check the news article from the HEMI web page below. REAP Summer Interns Celebrate Completion of JHU Program (image from the HEMI web page, Lilia is the third from
[August 2, 2017] Our group hosted a visit of students and teachers from the Joint Science and Technology Institute (JSTI). Santiago Orrego provided laboratory demonstrations of our 3D design and printing research. The JSTI’s summer project is focused on 3D printing sponsored by the Army Research Laboratory. Their visit to HEMI demonstrated how a Department
[July 26 & 27, 2017] Lichen and Santiago gave well-received presentations about their works at Society of Engineering Science conference (Boston, MA). Well done, guys!
[July 17, 2017] Jiaxin Xu joins our group as a visiting student. He is an undergraduate student from Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China. Welcome to the group, Jiaxin!
[July 3, 2017] Shaoyang Qu joins our group as a visiting student. He is an undergraduate student from Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua University. Welcome to the group, Shaoyang!